20 October 2008

In 2007, I thought McCain would be a good President

Republicans gave us the first Great Depression:

Want Another?



Republican re-distribution of wealth has been the norm for ninety plus years;

Isn’t it time for something new?



Nationalism and Fascism, current Republican platform, are not Patriotism



Whatever happened to Land of the Free?

The Republican Party



Do we really want to give Halliburton a third term?


Robbing the poor to feed the rich:

Wealth-redistribution philosophy behind

Wilsonian, supply-side, trickle-down,

Republican economics



Stop the fear! No more years!



When the War on Terror became the War on Freedom

John McCain supported 90% of it



Voting religion in politics is like playing baseball with a football



If you are going to inject Christian belief into politics, you should at least know your scripture

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